Wednesday, February 13, 2013

California Armenian Home and Audits = decrease in donations

As the California Armenian Home becomes a governmental money controlled nursing and residential facility.  There is no need for that Armenian money to subsidized this anti-Amenian home.  1- No Armenians working in Administration (God forbid if any educated Armenian was working there Yuba can't handle intelligence   2- No Armenians in the home except for 15 at the moment (that is out of 120 beds)  Armenians are giving their money to causes more near and dear to their culture and pocketbook, instead of to feed the ego and power hungry Lubjica the Croatian Witch. 

Here is an audit that showed there was overbilling of MediCAL payments and California Armenian Home was ordered to pay back $8,867.00 to the State MediCaid program.  While we are on the subject of double billing or double dipping......There was a call to the Armenian Community by the Home Guild to raise money for medcal supplies such as wheel chairs (over $1,200+) and shower chairs (over $300+ ea) first of all these are overinflated prices.  The state wanted to know if that was for electric wheel chairs.  So folks stay with us on this.....the total wish list for medical supplies was over $150,000. 

The problem with this is each individual patient has what is called a "working order" from THEIR physician for these supplies, which in turn is billed to MediCAL, MediCARE or their private pay/insurance.  So is the California Armenian Home DOUBLE DIPPING.  Where exactly does that donated money go intended for medical supplies? 

Armenians are pros at soaking MediCAL and MediCARE. 
Here is just one of the many audits.

How about more ex disgruntled employees stepping forward and giving some statements.  The State, County and Federal Government would like to hear from more of you. 

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