Wednesday, August 28, 2013

California Armenian Home, and the reason why groups pull support away $$

Triple X Fraternity use to meet at the old age home
They are a group of Armenian businessmen: Bankers, lawyers, farmers

Here is a background on the Triple X Fraternity:

TRIPLE X FRATERNITY was founded by eight young men of Armenian parentage in the year 1918 in Fresno, California.

The name "TRIPLE X" was adopted for the organization and was to represent three times the Roman numeral ten, added up, summed thirty which was the total number of members they hoped to acquire and limit the group's size.

The purpose and objectives of this Fraternity is to promote charity, benevolence, mental improvement, social culture, and strengthening of the bonds of friendship among its members; to observe and adhere to the principles of truth, justice and loyalty.

In the year 1928 the Los Angeles and Golden Gate Chapters were founded. This created the need for a Grand Chapter, which was founded in April of 1928. Selma Chapter was formed in 1933. In the years to follow the Oakland, Peninsula, Capitol, Sequoia, San Diego, Mt. Diablo, Orange County, Las Vegas, and Palm Desert Chapters were also formed.

As the story is told to us, the local Triple X Fraternity had been meeting at the California Armenian Home for over 25 years.  They also were a major supporter.  "were" as in past tense.  When Yuba arrived back in Fresno from San Diego, she asked them for full rent on the building to hold meetings.  They reminded Yuba of the millions they have donated to the California Armenian Home over the last 50 years. 

End of story.....No more money or support from the Triple X to the California Armenian Home.  Their money now goes to support education and scholarships a much better cause.

Let the California Armenian Home rot with money from California MediCAID.    Bravo Triple X, you did the right thing.  To you Yuba, keep up the great work with getting support from the Armenian Community and exploiting the word "Armenian" on the front sign. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

California Armenian Home, is it a good place to work?

Sure it is if you want to work around this.


or the Activities Director Senora Rodriguez, there are no Armenian Staff members besides a janitor, grounds keeper and cook all of which can barely speak English......the way Yuba likes it so they don't report what is going on to the rest of the community.

This is what Yuba would rather have as the Activities Director.  45 years ago this was a great place, Armenians taking care of Armenians and plenty of donations.  Now they are caving into government money/support and hiring unprofessional losers. 

So if you think you fit into this category with these dregs of society by all means go apply, they have a constant turnover despite the bad economy.  

California Armenian Home, Employment opportunites for LVN/LPN.

Professional Registered Nurses (RNs) graduating from the Nursing College in New Jersey.  If given the opportunity would you hire this or .....................



· Louise Gardner says......

What will happen to the future of the California Armenian Home, she no longer talks to her niece Loraine Quinn (Bristol) but has some predictions:
Future of LPN / LVN and the bridge to RN (or bridge to no where)
First of all the Nursing Home industry is here to make money and will not pay large salaries, that is reserved for the Administration.  The future will be no more LPN/LVNs because of the fact that MA (Medical Assistants are now registered) MA can do essentially the same as an LVN/LPN except for the IV, but they can just have the Nurse supervisors do the IVs. 
LVN/LPNs are a cheap labor force and very few are continuing on to an RN because they have flooded the market.  Most are too lazy to head back to school or do online with Excelsior College like Jan Vawter did at the age of 52.  But the push is for cheap labor to do these tasks and more profit for the Nursing Home. 
Unfortunately, when you get locked into a nursing home it is impossible to switch to anything but another LTC facility.  The LVN/LPNs you are lifers like Jan, Diane, Nellie and the rest that have been there for over 10 years.  Lor Quinn (Bristol) will just have to stay put for another 20 years.
In 50 more years (2063) it won’t matter because the next generation of Armenian Business people in Fresno County will not be bothered with keeping the place alive and upkeeping.  The Home Guild and Ani Guild cannot get new members.  The new generation prefers home health care without the politics of Yuba.  In 2063 there will be no California Armenian Home because there is no interest in maintaining this money pit.  Donations shrink year after year and the home survives on Medicaid of California.   No one cares anymore.  


Some Facilities Phasing Out Licensed Practical Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses

If you are a current or future licensed practical nurse, or licensed vocational nurse, will you be able to have a career as such in a few years? While some facilities, particularly acute care, are cutting back on LPNs (Licensed Practical Nurse, also known as Licensed Vocational Nurse), LPNs and LVNs are projected to experience significant growth in demand, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

HealthLeaders Media reports that some state regulations limit the practices of LPNs, such as not allowing them to dispense medications. However, many areas of the country have such a great need for healthcare professionals, LPNs and LVNs will still be very much needed in those areas.

One myth busted in the HealthLeaders article is regarding the Magnet program: there is a common misconception that a facility must do away with LPNs in order to become a Magnet program, but that is not true, says a source quoted in the report.

With the BLS projecting 21 percent growth for the LPN/LVN profession through 2018, the outlook is still good for prospective licensed practical nurses, unless you want to work in acute care. Additionally, you will probably have more job options if you live in one of the states that allows LPN/LVNs to dispense medications to patients.

Some hospital systems in certain states are phasing out the role of LPN/LVN, which is putting some people out of jobs, or forcing them to take a demotion, or to go back to school. Therefore, as you plan your career, be sure to check out the situation in your state or intended state of employment to confirm if this career will be a good option for you based on your location, trends in nearby facilities, state regulations, and level of income you're seeking.


New RNs find job market tight
From USA Today!!!!
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·         By Alison Young, USA TODAY
Even as a national nursing shortage looms, many newly graduated registered nurses can't find jobs because the recession has delayed retirement of experienced nurses,
regulators and health care associations say.  Those who find work often can't get the better-paying hospital positions they'd hoped for and instead are turning to nursing homes,
 home health care or other settings, says Carylin Holsey, president of the National Student Nurses' Association. An advisory for new grads published by the association warns that the
 market is "flooded" with experienced RNs who have come out of retirement, delayed retirement or gone from part-time to full-time employment because of the recession.


Watch as she slips into booze and pills, as her dreams of being an RN fade away.  We will make sure she stays right there with no future in the health care industry in Fresno.  Forever and ever, with a .20 cent an hour raise .  Cha Ching              Cha Ching
Working poor of America.  Poor little thing.  She should have thought about that before she invaded the privacy of a patient's family.   Poor poor thing.  
The only other option is Golden Living Center.  YUK, it must suck to be poor Lori.

It's all who you know Lori and you just don't have the connections like we do.